Saturday 18 June 2016

Last fancy night out

After three and a half years in Georgia, I have concluded that Georgians are at their best around the supra table. They come ready for a good time, to share their hearts and hospitality, and to celebrate with gratitude. The Tamada (toastmaster) leads with many different toasts: to God, to Georgia, to the dearly departed, to children, friendship, love, family . . . they can go on and on.

Insincerity and superficiality are nowhere to be found, and it seems to come naturally to them to be able to dig deep and give poetic verbal expression to their most profound sentiments. I'm sure I had no inkling of the bonds that could be forged through thoughtful toasts combined with raising your glasses together. It's a lesson I have only begun to learn from these, my dearest of dear Georgian families.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this brings back a lot of powerful, good memories. Thanks for posting.


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