Friday 20 June 2014

In review

We can't pass through this month without making mention of what has consumed the majority of our collective family time: school. Despite a fluctuating interest, I've managed to work part time throughout the entire year. It's been intense and rewarding, but also completely consuming and exhausting. I decided I won't resume teaching next year because I want to find a better family life balance. Here are a few pictures I captured on my ipad this year.


La gallette des Rois. Sadly, no winners in our fam.

Picking up trash around the school grounds.

Probably their favorite activity of the year.

La Cross Solidaire, a race our school hosted for the benefit of a school for the blind.

All ages, from preschool to adults, had the chance to run.

My oldest level class--fairly mature girls and ape-like boys (whose ridiculous picture I will not post).

On a field trip to see a play.

Another one of my lovely classes, such sweet kids!

My youngest class. It was so fun to see their progress.

Watching end of the year school swimming races.

It has been an eventful year, but we can hardly wait for school to be over and summer to begin. We are looking forward with great anticipation to our trip back to the States. In fact, we're counting the days . . .

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