Saturday 5 October 2013

A National Treasure

We finally had the privilege of attending a dance performance by the Georgian National Ballet Sukhishvili. They don't appear to have a regular schedule of concerts, so when they perform, carpe diem! In one thrilling evening I got a better glimpse into the core of Georgian national identity, history, and pride than I've witnessed in nearly a year of life here.

There are zillions of clips to be found online, but here's a sampling of their work.


  1. Wow, that was amazing! Did you see the men dance on the tops of their toes like in the video? Watching that and hearing your comments makes my heart happy.

    1. Yes, it was really incredible and I felt exhausted just watching them ;)

  2. So glad you made it to see the Georgian dancers - they are amazing - we loved seeing them!!!

  3. We did see that and more. I can hardly describe how exciting it was, and also liberating to see dance that celebrated male and female virtues without oversexualizing them, such as we are prone to do in the West.

  4. I enjoyed recognizing all the influences from other cultures. Goergia seems to be a melting pot, just like Hungary. :)

  5. Just spent an hour enjoying ERISIONI! If ever we are fortunate to come, these Georgian dancers will be a must to see.


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