Sunday 27 October 2013

The Village, part 2

Georgians can be incredibly resourceful. They seem to roll with the ebb and flow of supply and demand by making due with what they can when it's available. Case in point: village houses. I didn't see a single house in the village that was constructed of uniform materials. And from what I've seen of the rest of the country, this village is no exception.

DT personally rebuilt this house from the ground up--just added the pitched roof last year. He'd love more than anything to have a month free to spend finishing it off. I thought the lean-to shed was classic, but he can't wait to knock it down.

The acred property was littered with fallen fruit, awaiting harvest.

We wasted no time getting to work.

The girls were in heaven...

...tree climbing heaven.

It was a gorgeous fall day,

cool and sunny,

and the work was social and enjoyable,

with something for everyone.

DT's son gave this tree a vigorous shake and the apples came tumbling down.

We filled at least a dozen bags.


  1. Amber, what a beautiful journal you are creating!

  2. So is this house a dacha, or a cabin that he's building on ancestral land? As I understand it,in Russia everyone wants a country house with a garden, no matter how humble.

    1. Yes, that's essentially what it is--a summer home; not Russian, but same idea. It's only a few acres but the land is very productive. He has family members that live nearby full time.

  3. Beautiful picture Amber! Your dad must be proud of you. You guys surely make the best of your looong visit to Georgia. :) Miss you!


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