Since June we've tried to set aside time each Saturday to work on projects around the house. It was my husband's idea, and I have to give him credit for that because the truth is we have very different styles when it comes to work.
I have what you could call a marathon approach: get it done at any cost and if that means cancelling plans or staying up late, so be it. And sometimes there's a bit of procrastination involved.
My husband is more measured and prefers to start earlier in advance, working in smaller increments, in piecemeal fashion, but in balance with the rest of his life.
We've had to learn to work together, and there are moments when we passionately disagree on the method, but, encouragingly, the work is getting done. This image unwittingly captured just such a moment. Today he scraped peeling paint from the porch ceiling while I cleaned up the front yard.